April 2nd Thought
It's been a WHILEEEE since I've been here. so here is a catch up story on what happened since I made this url.
I've reconnect with Angela again and honestly, I'm in love. I've never been this happy to begin with, and I think the reason being is that even through all my flaws and mistakes, she's willing to give me another chance. I'm planning all these future plans and I don't even know if she's thinking the same way I feel about her. ALOT of people might say I'm putting too much effort compared to how much effort she puts in...but right now, all I know is that this is probably the best BET I've made in my life and I've bet on ALOT of stupid DUMB shit in my life (yall know...). This is a 💯. I LOVE HER and I'm willing to bet alot for her. PLEASE, let me know if you wanna BET against me on this.
ALSO, its about time. One of my best friend is making plans to go to Miami. I'm honestly super happy he's moving on and finding something different and challenging himself. I really hope the best for him and he will kick ass in Miami. HOPEFULLY he finds that one Latina that'll lock him down.
In other news, I've been giving an opportunity to promote and work under a wonderful person name Holly. Holly seems very positive and I hope this time around I get to learn more as practice assistant Compared to who I worked with during Covid time.
Question of the day: What do I have control over and what do I not?
BINDLE is a HELL of a thing and I have control over that....but not as of RIGHT NOW this very second 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it for sure WILL NOT get the best of me. I feel so happy, I've accomplished EVERYTHING I've set before Poland deployment and now I need to set a new list. Literally checked off ALL of my bucket list from last year. I KICKED life in the balls last year. Def beat me in some battles but I've won the war of 2022. LIST coming up VERY Soooon.
I don't have a control of my friend moving away, but what I do have is the time to always be there and support him if he needs help like he's been there for me EVERY SINGLE TIME. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Speaking about $I'm gonna continue to see if I can save up to $100,000 in 2023. I CAN do it and will get there or get very CLOSE to it. I'm buying my parents a house this year or next year or let us see how far this gets in 4 to 5 years. They deserve all of my success, since without all of their KOREAN tranditional way of support, I couldn't have done it. I love my FAM. Speaking about fam....let's continue to chapter 2 of this blog....JOSH...my older brother I love, hate, despise, jealous of, and all in all, have all my respect for.
MY GOD this is gonna be long....me and Josh finally solved this argument about CB. I haven't had a chance to really open up to him through deployment and my surgery...(I'll get to that maybe tomorrow's post). My life...was and probably still is the most unconventional Asian/western culture lifestyle.very out of the norm which I think caused alot of problems between me and Josh. In the end we both have the same end goals for each other...which is to always be there whether good or bad. I hope his anger issues do fizz down later or find someone who can guide him into the paradise that I'm currently living in.
BTW...I Rode on a motorcycle for the first time today with Kev. Gear Three...SHEeeeeSH
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